Kick-start EA Program
Establish or kick-start your EA Program or restart an existing EA program
Rational Steps consultants have decades of experience and expertise of helping business and government organizations to kick-start or restart their EA practice. We help organizations to:
- Develop business case to justify their EA program or practice
- Develop the EA Program Charter that will serve as the basis of agreement amongst their EA team, sponsors and other key stakeholders on how EA program will carry out its stated functions
- Develop EA Program Management Plan–that includes a roadmap and implementation plans required to accomplish the goals set by EA governance board
- Develop their EA stakeholders management & program communication plan
- Develop job descriptions for EA team members
- Recruit qualified architects for their EA program
- Develop EA policy—to serve as EA & IT standards enforcement mechanism
- Develop enterprise solution architecture definition and review process
- Evaluate, Select and customize EA frameworks
- Select and implement the right EA repository tool
- Develop strategies and processes for keeping EA repository up-to-date
- Develop strategies & plans for marketing EA deliverable