Business Architecture
Develop Business Architecture Blueprints and Transformation Road-map
Business and government organizations across the world today are leveraging business architecture blueprints to improve and transform their organization. Business Architecture is a current and future state description of the structure and relationship between the key building blocks of a business—that is, strategy, people, organization, functions, processes, capabilities and information needs. Following business architecture definition, most organizations develop a transformational roadmap to help close the gap between their current business architecture and the target business architecture that is required to help them execute business strategies or to achieve their strategic business objectives.
In addition to the use of business architecture blueprints above, leading organizations are also leveraging business architecture blueprints to execute their business strategic plans, and to integrate business and IT strategies.
Rational steps help business and governments to develop a comprehensive blueprint of their business architecture using best in-class modelling tools/repository in order to assess the impact of transformational changes on their organization. Examples of deliverable that we produce as part of our business architecture blueprint development services are:
- Business Strategy or Motivation Models
- Organisation Model
- Business Capability Model
- Business Process Architecture/Model
- Business Service Model
- Business Product/Service Catalog